LRCFT Constitution

The name of this organization shall be the LOS RIOS COLLEGE FEDERATION OF TEACHERS, AFT/CFT Local 2279, herein called LRCFT.

LRCFT is a democratically controlled organization supporting quality education in the Los Rios Community College District and the best interests of the faculty of the colleges of the District.

LRCFT shall, through affiliation with the California Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, work to further these goals in California and throughout the nation.

The Constitution in pdf format.



Official Executive Board policies include language regarding governance, negotiations, fiscal and budget issues, how the Executive Board operates, and many other related topics that dictate how the LRCFT will operate.

Official By-laws determine how the Union will govern it’s internal life and
guarantee its continued existence. Here you will find the basis for the
dues/agency fee assessments and the process for changing those assessments; how the organizations settles its internal disputes; fills vacancies on its governing board; how it controls its non-budgeted expenses; and the process to be followed when appealing an organizational decision involving a formal contractual grievance.”